

Jimena Molina, 19岁

我叫Jimena Molina,来自乔治亚州费耶特维尔. 我是NHA 2019届的一员. 我目前在鲍登BTT365读大二,学习性别研究和中文. 然而,在那之前,我花了一年的时间和美国的学生一起学习普通话.S. State Department’s NSLI-Y (National Security Language Initiative for Youth) Program.  

作为第一代墨西哥裔美国人, the 国立历史BTT365 was one of the most influential experiences of my life. The program allowed me to explore notable museums and historical sites across the east coast! My experience transformed me from a then shy high schooler to a present-day thriving college student in a multitude of ways. I strengthened my analytical skills when I perused the Harvard Business School Cases, developed public speaking skills each time I engaged in the Better Angels parliamentary style debates, and became inspired by the plethora of guest speakers the Academy brought to campus. 我带着一生的友谊离开了NHA, 一个装满大学必备技能的工具箱, 最重要的是, 对历史有更大的欣赏.  

I feel incredibly fortunate to have received such a profound educational experience. 我鼓励你们所有人迈出第一步,去申请! 


Hi, my name is Devaughn Henry, and I’m a junior from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. 我在2022年是NHA的成员. 我希望能去UVA学习历史,成为一名律师. 历史 has always been something that I was drawn to because of how interesting it is and how we live through it everyday. 我住的地方, there aren’t many opportunities like NHA where you can share your thoughts and communicate with people who have similar interests as you.

Being at NHA gave me the abilities to make connections and life-long friendships with people whom I would’ve otherwise never met or known, 但它也帮助我坚定了主修历史的决心. There were so many memories that were made over the course of one month but I would have to say my favorite was when we would share our views on things during class time and have open and out loud discussion that you wouldn’t otherwise get in a normal classroom.

NHA helped bring people from many different backgrounds together based on one sole topic and I believe that my friends I experienced the summer of 2022 with will be the next people we learn about in our history classes!


大家好! My name is Elias McEaneney, and I’m currently a senior at Jackson High School in Massillon, Ohio. 我将作为2027届的一员进入鲍登BTT365, 我打算在哪里主修历史和社会学!

国立历史BTT365 was truly one of the most influential experiences of my life. I come from a school where history isn’t prioritized and seen only as a necessity to get through each year and graduate. NHA meant going to a place where everybody around me also shared a deep passion for the roots of where we came from. 更重要的是, 我们都是独特的个体,我们在历史上的激情是相通的, 但是很明显. 我不仅对整个美国历史有了更多的了解, 但是军事历史, 神话, 政府的历史, 革命历史, 从我的同龄人那里得到了更多. 我交到了很多不同的朋友, 我今天还和他们保持联系, 尽管距离可能会把我们分开.

NHA absolutely enthralled me with its site visits, civil discourse, and case method analysis. It truly changed my perspective not only on our history, but on our country as a whole.


我叫艾薇, 我来自劳伦斯, 麻萨诸塞州, 2022年夏天,我进入了国家历史BTT365! Having the opportunity to go to NHA is an experience I’ll never forget and will be forever grateful for it. 当我第一天到那里的时候, I knew that I made the right decision to spend my summer in that incredible environment. Going to camp allowed me to be in a space where intellectual individuals critically analyze our nation and how we can be the change makers and leaders of tomorrow. 在NHA, 我们有机会去博物馆, 总统的房子, 以及其他地方来反思我们的国家是如何建立起来的, 围绕它的原则, 以及它对我们今天的影响. Hearing inspirational and remarkable leaders come to share their stories was beyond enlightening and allowed us to understand how events happened and why they will always matter. NHA helped me develop my own voice and made me recognize how extremely important it is to use my voice for the greater good; in fact, 我们所有人都有必要大声疾呼,为一个更健康的国家而努力. 我也喜欢夏令营提供的环境和支持. I knew people would always be there if anyone needed to have those deep discussions about issues that impact us today. 我们不能对这些情况视而不见. NHA allowed me to have a greater comprehension on subjects sometimes high schools ignore and don’t pay that necessary attention to. 我能够掌握诸如非洲人在美洲被奴役之类的科目, the ERA (the push of equal rights for women identifying people) and the Civil Rights Movement. My takeaway from NHA is never lose your spark and your purpose for changing this world. 我们这代人应该清醒过来,做出改变,不再让自己沉睡. 我强烈推荐参加NHA. 它将永远改变你的生活. 我很高兴我去了!


我叫特雷·詹宁斯,来自爱达荷州博伊西. I’m a junior in high school and on my way to graduating with my associates degree next year. I attended NHA in 2022, and when I say this experience was life changing, that is no exaggeration!

整体, 我从一开始就很喜欢社交, 即使是我也承认这并不常见, 但我真的很想在这四周里认识每个人. 这种特质正是我学习的催化剂. 我遇到了来自美国各地甚至世界各地的人, and the interactions I had with these people broadened my perspectives exponentially. 我们经常被告知,我们必须从两个方面来看待问题, 但我学到的一件事是,很多时候, 我们不, 或者当我们这样做的时候, 我们呆在国内. One of the biggest lessons I learned counteracted this issue–that we need to be able to look at the big picture–the biggest picture possible, 因为在你看来是一件事, 对你周围的人来说可能是十件事.

简而言之,NHA教会了我开放的思想. 它教会了我接受. 它教会了我自信. 它教会了我领导能力. 它教会了我生活,教会了我一切都源于某些东西, 不管是物理对象, 客观要求, 或者是主观的想法. 因此,我极力推荐NHA给其他人! Remarkable leaders come to share their stories was beyond enlightening and allowed us to understand how events happened and why they will always matter. NHA helped me develop my own voice and made me recognize how extremely important it is to use my voice for the greater good; in fact, 我们所有人都有必要大声疾呼,为一个更健康的国家而努力. 我也喜欢夏令营提供的环境和支持. I knew people would always be there if anyone needed to have those deep discussions about issues that impact us today. 我们不能对这些情况视而不见. NHA allowed me to have a greater comprehension on subjects sometimes high schools ignore and don’t pay that necessary attention to. 我能够掌握诸如非洲人在美洲被奴役之类的科目, the ERA (the push of equal rights for women identifying people) and the Civil Rights Movement. My takeaway from NHA is never lose your spark and your purpose for changing this world. 我们这代人应该清醒过来,做出改变,不再让自己沉睡. 我强烈推荐参加NHA. 它将永远改变你的生活. 我很高兴我去了!


Hi! 我叫凯特·博耶特,是一名来自北卡罗来纳州亨德森维尔的大三学生. 我于2022年进入国家历史BTT365学习, 这是我一生中最难忘的经历之一. 我参观历史遗迹过得很愉快, 阅读和讨论案例研究, 聆听杰出的演讲者, 并参与了我本来不会得到的机会. However, I think the friendships and connections I’ve made from NHA have meant the most to me. The friends I’ve made from NHA will be lifelong even if we sometimes live hundreds of miles apart.

从营地回家后, I realized I had never truly understood what it meant to be an American and the complexity within that identity. 国家历史BTT365会督促你的, 你的同事会挑战你, 这就是这个项目的精彩之处. 如果你喜欢历史, 这是为你准备的节目, 如果你担心成本, 要知道有很多奖学金和经济援助的机会. NHA真的是一次了不起的经历,我怎么推荐都不为过!